Sunday, September 21, 2014

Something worth fighting for

If someone were to ask me about Faith, what is it? How do you get it? How do you keep it?
By definition its described..
1) a strong belief in a supernatural power or powers that control human destiny
2) loyalty or allegiance to a cause or a person
When I think of the word FAITH , it feels like such a heavy word, yet at the same time slippery and foggy.
Everyone has some faith, whether in God , or another person, or even that the water you drink everyday is clean. You have to have faith everyday on some level just to walk out your door in the mornings. Faith that you will come back intact and alive. Life isn't all plum trees and apple sauce on this planet. Disasters and accidents happen, so we must have some faith that it won't happen to us or our loved ones.  I believe its a part of being a human as much as any other feeling or idea. Except faith isn't quite a feeling is it? Its a mixture of emotion and thought, feelings and ideas. And these are strong feelings and ideas about something we deem important in our lives.
For me faith has been something I've had to do battle for continuously thru out my life. Faith, when it pertains to believing in God, is something others feel like they need to steal away. The world loves to try to question Faith, and they always have such great reasons why you shouldn't believe and have faith.
I didn't just wake up one day and say "Hey, I think I'll go believe in God"
Obviously something... Or in my case continuous something's have had to have happened for me to maintain my faith. Yes, I am an emotional imaginative person.... Yet at the same time I am very capable of applying logic, and scientific evidence to any situation. I am a combination of FEELING and THOUGHT .
There have been occurrences in my life that have help build my faith, enough for me to continue to fight for it on a daily basis. Faith something you build, grow, nurture and fight to protect.
We all need it...  without faith I believe we would never love others outside of our own families . You definitely have to have faith to offer your love to someone outside your own family knowing very well they could at anytime hurt you by rejecting you.
So if someone were to ask me about Faith, I guess I would have to reply that FAITH is something worth fighting every single day for.

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