Wednesday, March 7, 2012

From a seed I grew

Once I was as small as a seed,
 raw and untouched.
You took me into your hands,
planted me in the ground.
You covered me with rich dark soil,
drenched me with water from Your heart.
Seasons came and went,
and though I struggled to grow,
You tenderly cared for me.
Patiently You waited, slowly I grew.
Never once did You leave me,
protecting me through the winters,
shading me through the summers.
You knew one day I would grow,
grow into a tree strong and true.
My branches reaching out to Heaven,
my roots firmly planted in Earth.
I have withstood fires and storms,
drought and rot.
All because You blanketed me with
Your life giving, saving grace.
Today I bear the fruits of Your labor,
giving back to You what You gave to me.
Thank You for never giving up,
thank You for loving me.
From a little seed I grew,
into a tree, strong and true.