Sunday, March 4, 2012

Truths I've learned about Choices

Behaviors are a choice. Feelings are sometimes out of our control. Behavior has to do with choices.
~Randall Terry

   Everyday we make choices. It is these choices that shape our lives, and the lives of others around us. How we choose to react to our circumstances impacts the world around us. We choose our own postive or negative reactions.Whether great or small, every action has a reaction.Everyday we choose between embracing happiness, or sorrow, hope or discouragement, truth or deceit, acceptance or rejection, love or hate. These are decisions of  attitudes we will choose at any given moment.They
  are choices of which path we will travel down. It is always our choice whether we will love others, or decide to reject them. It is always a choice between inflicting pain upon another person, or providing them with understanding through love. Making the right choices can lead us down a path that can give us continous joy through out our lives, making the wrong choices can lead us down a path of a life filled with sorrow and loss. We have to put forth an effort each day to make the right choices.
So when we finally leave this earth, it will be the everyday choices we made that will be the real legacy we leave behind.

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