Thursday, April 19, 2012

My tale of a butterfly

About a month ago, I asked God to bring me one butterfly.
A few days later, one small white butterfly flew into my backyard.
I praised God, thanking Him. A few days later, I noticed that instead of one,
there was now two. I believe at that point I said something like "Keep
them coming Lord!" Before I knew it, I had six white butterflies
swooping around. Everytime I saw them it made me feel loved.
A week ago I noticed one new butterfly, one I can't seem to
find in any guide, and in the 3 years I've lived at this house, never seen before.
Everyday this week more and more of these butterflies are showing up.
 Today there were dozens of them!!  
It even seemed they followed me to work today, and back home.
As I walked up to my front door, one fluttered around me, then landed
on the house.
      If one single white butterfly made me feel loved, think about how I must
feel today.  Cherished, is the word that comes to mind.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Master Creator

As with any intimate relationship, its hard not to become familiar with the one your in a relationship with. Spending everyday together gives you insight into their characteristics.
I, having spent so much of my time lately getting to know my God, have been given insight into His characteristics. He is a marvel of intelligence, complex and awesome. Gentle, and caring. Loving,
and enticing. Protective, and fatherly. But I believe at the heart of His very being is His love for creation. All you have to do to know this about Him, is simply look around at the awe inspiring things in nature.
It seems as if a lot of people ask the question “What purpose did God create us for?”
So I would ask in reply, what drives an artist to create any piece of artwork? As humans we love to build, and create. Its this driving force within us that should give us insight into God's motives.
We were created in His image, so its natural to assume some of our characteristics would also come from Him, not just what we look like. Our world, and everything in it, is a Masterpiece. With all artists when you have created a truly beautiful piece of artwork, you will never forget about it, and it will always hold deep meaning in your heart.
I believe God loves the very act of creating, He is an Master artist, but also so much more than that. Its so hard to know everything there is to know about God. But one thing I do know is, when I look up at the sky, and see such beauty that takes my breathe away, I always know He is with me.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Parable of Two Teams

You have two teams. Ancient rivals.

The Damnatio: Team motto “Destroy or Be Destroyed”
On one side,you have a team full of individuals who care about their own glory. They only acknowledge their team mates when it suits them, because its really only about themselves. They are striving to make a name for themselves. The only sacrifices they make are ones they believe will get them more fame, more acknowledgment, more of what they want. They play to win, but only for the glory and power that comes with it.
Their coach, is one who cares nothing for the players, he only cares about winning and revenge. His players are only pawns in the game to get what he wants.
This coach is arrogant and self centered. He pushes his players to exhaustion, and when they get burned out, he replaces them without a second thought. In this world there is an endless supply of men who want glory for themselves, and this coach promises that. He promises glory, fortune and fame,(everything your heart desires, money, women, a name for yourself) but in the end, in his eyes they are all replaceable. Nothing but tools to get what he wants. At the end of this career, if you last that long, everything you thought you gained, will have been long gone. You will have been forgotten, along with the other men who made the same choices.

The Sarcologos: Team motto “One team, One dream”

On the other side, you have the definition of what a team should be . They are in this together. They are one, working together as one body to one goal. Caring, not just for themselves, but for each other. Its not just about winning, its about the game itself. At the head you have a great coach, one who has experience and great knowledge. He loves, and cares for his team. He values each individual for their own unique talent. They all work together to create a team. This coach knows when to push his players, and when to let up. He believes in patiently teaching them his playbook, but also believes in discipline. They are irreplaceable. He makes sure to know each one, to create a intimate relationship with each one of his players,offering encouragement and advice when they need it. He is an honest man, who expects his players to work hard. He also takes the full responsibility for his team.  Its not easy being on this team, because he doesn’t promise fortune and fame necessarily. What he offers is much more valuable, he offers that if you play for his team, you will have some of the greatest moments of your life. And at the end of your career you will be honored forever, and your name will go into the Hall of Fame.

These teams have been fighting each other for a very long time. Each team has had their share of victories. They are tough competitors, its all or nothing.
Each team is constantly recruiting, always looking for new talent. Unfortunately, it seems The Damnatio recruits far more men into their ranks, then The Sarcologos. They exploit a man's inner desire for recognition among his fellow man. Every man wants acknowledgment, to be seen for the man he is. The Damnatio know this, they are flashy and brazen, they offer excitement. They seduce a man into their ranks with the promise of giving you everything you could ever want. Its not about talent, its about sheer number, they believe in overwhelming their competition. They make you believe you have freedom, when in reality your enslaved
in doing only what they want.
The Sarcologos on the other hand are quieter, more reserved. They let a man decide if he wants in, or not, the choice is his to make. They know their team speaks for itself. “One Team, One Dream”. They believe in honor, and through honor, you receive glory. They work hard in everything they do. They are champions to the core. They only want men who have the drive in being the greatest team . They know few men are able to resist the more flashy colorful message of The Damnatio, but they don't believe in compromising their team's principles just to recruit more men into their ranks. Once you become a member of The Sarcologos, you are a member for life. You will never be forgotten for your contributions you made for the team.

Every person gets to play in this game, no one gets to sit out. Everyone gets to choose which team they want to play for.
Which team do you think you play for? Which side will you be on when both teams come face to face on the field for the World Cup?

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Broken Things

Everyday I encounter people who harbor such brokeness concealed within them.
Broken hearts, broken minds, broken spirits.
I always regonize others who have this pain,
because at one time I was a completely broken
human being myself. The toll of abuse, neglect,
and rejection through out my life, all contributed to 
my intense brokeness. I, for many years,
felt completely worthless, and empty.
People go around seaching endlessly for anything
(other people, possessions, drugs, alcohol, etc.)
to fill this void. Unfortunately, none of these will
help fix the wounds inflicted on us by others,
who were in just as much pain themselves.
"Hurting" people usually end up hurting others.
The emptiness they feel was created from
the lack of love, understanding and acceptance. 
We all just want to be seen, and understood.
Seen for the person we truly are inside, and accepted,
brokeness and all.
And above all else, we all just want to be unconditionally loved.