Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Master Creator

As with any intimate relationship, its hard not to become familiar with the one your in a relationship with. Spending everyday together gives you insight into their characteristics.
I, having spent so much of my time lately getting to know my God, have been given insight into His characteristics. He is a marvel of intelligence, complex and awesome. Gentle, and caring. Loving,
and enticing. Protective, and fatherly. But I believe at the heart of His very being is His love for creation. All you have to do to know this about Him, is simply look around at the awe inspiring things in nature.
It seems as if a lot of people ask the question “What purpose did God create us for?”
So I would ask in reply, what drives an artist to create any piece of artwork? As humans we love to build, and create. Its this driving force within us that should give us insight into God's motives.
We were created in His image, so its natural to assume some of our characteristics would also come from Him, not just what we look like. Our world, and everything in it, is a Masterpiece. With all artists when you have created a truly beautiful piece of artwork, you will never forget about it, and it will always hold deep meaning in your heart.
I believe God loves the very act of creating, He is an Master artist, but also so much more than that. Its so hard to know everything there is to know about God. But one thing I do know is, when I look up at the sky, and see such beauty that takes my breathe away, I always know He is with me.

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