Sunday, April 1, 2012

Broken Things

Everyday I encounter people who harbor such brokeness concealed within them.
Broken hearts, broken minds, broken spirits.
I always regonize others who have this pain,
because at one time I was a completely broken
human being myself. The toll of abuse, neglect,
and rejection through out my life, all contributed to 
my intense brokeness. I, for many years,
felt completely worthless, and empty.
People go around seaching endlessly for anything
(other people, possessions, drugs, alcohol, etc.)
to fill this void. Unfortunately, none of these will
help fix the wounds inflicted on us by others,
who were in just as much pain themselves.
"Hurting" people usually end up hurting others.
The emptiness they feel was created from
the lack of love, understanding and acceptance. 
We all just want to be seen, and understood.
Seen for the person we truly are inside, and accepted,
brokeness and all.
And above all else, we all just want to be unconditionally loved.

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